Monday, February 18, 2008

The best 7 Strategy to Write Procedures accounting information

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Part Two of Cash calculation to Cash the Cycle Progression

Part One: ART78

Next week: Sales

We already have found 250 000$ … so let's count another 250 000$ …

Fund imposing

Last week, we have brought up a question: what would your business make with 1 000$ To put fund, we entered an account as the first of four areas which messages to our purpose for one million dollars will. And you saw precisely how to reach the first 250 000$ in cash savings, avoiding delays with increase in speed, just as discipline and competence increase. But how it is exact In due course - as you saw with an account and as you will see this week.

Employment by Procedures accounting and business Information

Let's continue that solving subject of time with other main source on your accounting balance - definitely, debts (A/R). If at you is 500 000 or more $ in debts then STOP! We have found it again.

Reduction of the Average Collection of Days

Why As, if we concentrate on reducing your average collection of days by 50 % then your balance debts will fall to 250 000$, and the additional space 250 000$ in your bank account will be result. And in the same way as it, we are laying halfway to our purpose for 1 000$.

So now, let's see, how it actually works in the real business scenario.

Service of Procedures accounting and business Information Business

The organisation of service with 700 000$ on the average A/R balances the necessary help. Thus we investigated their function A/R to understand and define quantity of a problem of working loading and office-work. Then we projected and have carried out process to improve productivity A/R.

Indicators which we have developed, reduced the "more than 60" debts by 85 % and full balance A/R on 50 % within 90 days after realisation of new procedures. With these new processes and reports, the company traces now the Average Collection of Days and has expired, and not just Sales of Days, Outstanding (DSO) as a measure of their efficiency of a collection.

Result: additional space 350 000$ cash. And, again, we obviously see a main role of time and as the increase in speed and disciplines directly incomes growth of productivity and cashes savings. How you can use time in your interests

Methods to Project New Process accounting and business Information

Cycle of a collection of reduction. Investigate bills of the client which go out of your terms. Do not wait to is not present-term twice to take measures.

Compress the credit policy. Investigate process of the credit for reduction. You have a process of the credit permission You carry out credit status checks What standards are used to prolong the credit

Reduce credit conditions. Change conditions of the credit which you offer your clients. If you offer terms of a network 45, reduce it to a network 30. You still could offer the discount of 1 % if is paid within 10 days a network, should in 30 days. It is equivalent to 18 %-s' annual percent, and the majority of firms takes those terms.

Reduce bill process. Bill Vashi clients immediately. It is big. It is a lot of organisations of service wait till the end of a month to correspond to paid hours and to define charges of the client. Do not wait till the end of a month. It could reduce your day received for whole 15 days there and then. E-mail or a fax your bills to save other day or two (for example QuickBooks the software accounting and business Information this feature).

Reduce errors under the bill. The majority of clients detains payments because of bill errors. Clients will not distinguish the bill while it will not be corrected and, probably, not even notifies you, the seller, errors while you do not call for collection. Again, leaving from this delay by mistake and time will make cash savings.

The personnel of Debitorsky debts of the Train. Make sure, that all involved personnel is training to understand indicators of productivity for their tasks. For example, the company will consult, 500 000$ in monthly A/R balances (it is 6 million $ in a year!) use of clerk A/R which does 30 000$. But then uses not that other as training (OJT) On a workplace to the clerk. Then the financial director thinks, that it or it (the financial director) really operates money. But, actually, it does not take place; the clerk operates daily money. Thus unless clerk A/R should not receive sufficient training to operate such essential quantity Eventually, it only brings 6 %-s' change in A/R in one month to be equaled to the annual salary of clerk A/R. Unless savings A/R are not standing small additional time in training

Develop Process accounting information. With account Department debts you should use each element of process to receive the majority of benefit for your business. And with a set of procedures saving time on a place, you will allow the job of efficiency for you.

Capture of your Purpose of the Policy

With accurate processes and procedures on a place, you will increase efficiency, reducing your Average Collection of Days. And reduction of an average Collection of Days is final means, that your balance of Debitorsky debts also will fall, creating more than cash calculation by cash near at hand. And in the same way as it we are laying halfway to our purpose for 1 000$. Everything, that you should make, is capture it.

Next week, we will still look at detection of another 250 000$ in the Sales department - which will give us 750 000$ to our purpose of 1 million in cash savings. So, again, not only that you aspire to reap awards of additional savings to your bottom line, but also and to see, that transforms into cash bank - cash calculation for 1 000$ more to be exact.

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