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White tag - only a nose far … to a prize for One million dollars in cash savings for your business …
While, in the Account and Debitorsky debts, we have found 250 000$ everyone in cash savings. Then we have found another of 250 KB in Sales and Marketing. And so, now, Creditor debts - final process within Cash calculation to Cash the Cycle - and also final 250 000$.
Cash cycle - undoubtedly unique most important process to optimise for any business - from when you spend money to when you receive money.
Moving on a circle Cash calculation to Cash the Cycle
So let's fasten it to creditor debts - a case which pays for the responsibility bearing, buying which is for an account demanded, making to satisfy to the requirement. Sales generate this inquiry which creates äåáèòîðnee debts which is transformed into cash calculation. And now we have arrived a full circle and have finished discussion by cash calculation to cash a cycle.
Increase in Speed of Processes of Creditor debts
Your creditor debts are a little various than other processes which we investigated while. First three processes we looked at the presented processes, where the centre was on reduction of the size (an account or debts) or expenses (marketing) and increase in speed or cycle time. But our centre is in creditor debts on increase in the size of an active, supporting a firm estimation of credit status - and increasing speed of process.
Now give viewing how to find 250 000$ in savings of creditor debts. If at your organisation is 500 000$ in creditor debts every month STOP! We can find 250 000$ in savings directly here. Where, you ask? The increase in documents for payment on 25 % will make 125 000$ cash plus 125 000$ from automation of problems, a capture quantities of discounts, and it is better than management of process.
Serve Sociological research of Procedures Business
The organisation with 600 000$ in monthly documents for payment required the help. We investigated their process of documents for payment to understand and define quantity of office-work, paper processing and credit problems. Then we projected and have carried out process to increase their use of documents for payment, and discounts to improve their documents for payment cyclically repeat efficiency, and adhere it with their purchase and received cycles. We then repeatedly invested 50 000$ back in Planning of resources of the enterprise (procedure of restoration after errors) the program to automate some of processes which have not been automated any more.
Indicators which we have developed, have reduced the purchase and expenses of documents for payment by 25 % and have increased their efficiency from 50 % to 75 % within 2 months after realisation of new procedures. With these new processes and reports, the company traces now efficiency of a cycle of documents for payment and average documents for payment days, and not just the bills paid in time or outstanding balance, as a measure of their efficiency of documents for payment. Result: additional space 300 000$ cash plus 50 %-s' increase in possibility of process (ability).
But how?
Methods to Project your Creditor debts of News and Procedure accounting and business Information
• Eliminate the Document. Unique greatest cost for any purchase and department of documents for payment is paper, switching on: orders, order continuation, maleness-dollar purchases, tracking of delivery and payments, and payments of the seller. Using the paperless bills, the Accessible supplier through a network, self-serving, the centralized files of the seller, automated office-work for the electronic or displayed bills (see procedure of restoration after errors more low), and payment methods, such as payments of the credit for commercial and industrial activity, Electronic data exchange (electronic data exchange) and the Wire transfer of means (free data transmission from errors), can reduce expenses of means of giving and paper packing's to the whole 90 %.
• Integrate Systems of procedure of restoration after errors. Planning of resources of the enterprise (procedure of restoration after errors) automates purchase and functions of documents for payment which allows the company to receive more job made with smaller quantity of the personnel. Besides, electronic applications of conformity of the bill save time in restoration of documents. It is estimated, that the system of procedure of restoration after errors can annually save the organisation 300$ for one million on sales.
• Increase Terms of payment. Agree about the terms of payment based on reception of the goods or the bill. It can add one week or more to your terms which can make 25 % of 30-day terms. Free from errors use data transmission for timely payments to develop your terms of documents for payment and reduction of influence by the credit of your bill.
• Take the Payment Discount. If you receive 2 %/10 networks of 30 terms consider a capture of it. It means, that to you offer 2 %-s' discount if you pay within 10 days, instead of normal 30-day terms. It broadcasts in 18 %-s' returning to your capital, and for many organisations it is good returning to your investments.
• Review Purchases. Purchase - continuous process which demands the continuous review. Consider: the transportation charges, the accelerated payments, the odd lot penalties, the new estimation, new products, uniting the sellers, new sellers or syndicates on purchase, terms of payment, and more. Communicate with the suppliers to improve process. Both the review and the monitor everything to explain changes in your environment.
• Communicate with Suppliers. Communicate with the suppliers to improve process. Ask, that suppliers have presented the bills by means of electronics. It will save you time, resources and losses, should vanish for nothing.
• Eliminate Disputes. Disputes with your suppliers typically - result of a problem with your process of purchase/reception. When disputes occur, do the review of your purchasing procedures to guarantee, that they make correct indicators and that you are not compelled to pay for your errors.
• Reduce Errors. Over payments, the payments made to wrong sellers, a counterfeit abacus, or even to back payments, represent the general problem for documents for payment. The increase in your centre at elimination of errors, along with written procedures and audits, can reduce these errors considerably.
• the Train personnel. Provide the staff of creditor debts with regular formal training. This family of their processors ARM with the best knowledge ÷, agreeing about skills, and understanding of economy of documents for payment - which will lead to the improved efficiency.
Policies accounting and business Informationè Procedures for cash in Bank
For last some weeks we have, showed you four parts of your financial reports which will bring everyone 250 000$ in cash savings. The Creditor debts were last obstacle, and we floated through it. And now we have crossed the ultimate goal: 1 000$!
Time was - and - a key. Everything, that you should make, it is own. And, remember, next week we will connect each of four elements of cash calculation to cash a cycle, and viewing on how it mentions a working capital of your business.
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