We consistently face with new and ever growing difficulties on a workplace, such as reorganisation, weight reduction, and "has not considered installation of the sizes." We face a question, "As we conduct in this storm of change?" It can seem difficult from time to time and decisions which we accept, define our short-term and long-term results. I will share with you, five techniques of leadership guaranteed, that have saved you on the move during these hard times.
1 Integrity.
I placed it at first because shortage of integrity will be fatal you as the professional as the leader as the person finally. Shortage of it will turn yesterday's heroes in today's villains. For example, "the interface of management of the data transmission environment was apple eyes of the world of business. High incomes, high profit, and high growth; the interface of management of the data transmission environment won a competition without any efforts.
Then it was revealed, that there were big malfunctions accounting information which have explained amazing profit. You see, management has made the decision, "I continue to maintain good growth and be able look at me in a mirror, or I carry out operations in books of bills accounting and business Information? I spend other part of my time, covering this discrepancy of integrity? The real shame of a situation of the interface of management of the data transmission environment was that AT&T, Sprint, and others in the industry should cut down expenses and risk decrease on a guarantee of placing of actions of thousand employees to compete to false numbers of the interface of management of the data transmission environment. Shortage of integrity in the interface of management of the environment of data transmission not only mentioned the company but also and means of subsistence of thousand and the industry as a whole.
I spoke recently with recently retired participant of Municipality who is well respected in association. I have asked it, than the secret was to its success while on council? She mentioned, that one of its political opponents has told to it, "While you were on council, I did not like a way which you voted, but I respected a way which you voted because you were compatible to the voices and had the best interest in business of a city in memory."
Wonder, what decisions which you accept, are right for long term? Be consistent in the actions, whether it is with management, your group, or your family.
2. Knowledge.
With the change happening faster and faster each moment, it is extremely important, that you receive knowledge these changes. You owe it not only to you is direct, but also to your group and management. As I always speak, "It does not have right answer, happens so, that you have a right answer faster than before." Many times during my programs teambuilding the student will tell, "I did not know where to find the answer." Then I will tell, "Which is the inadmissible answer." As the part of to be the leader gets skills to find right answers. With the Internet, a class room and network training, instructors, etc., knowledge near at hand.
Throw down a challenge to the participants of group to use the same resources, to get knowledge their calls. Getting this knowledge, you be able operate your group through ocean of change and reach your purposes.
3. Resoluteness.
You saw them. They wait for the information, then the detailed information before decision-making. Then they require the detailed information to support the information which they already have. Then they require committee to analyse the information. Then they wait during perfect time to make the decision.
Well, you know that I mean. You know any? Make the decision! Good things happen, when you take measures; you grow, you adapt, and your group grows. There is no perfect time to make the decision. Leaders make the decisions based on last experience, placing in action the decision, both remaining and adapting the decision if it is necessary. But make the decision. You can show the most bad quality to the group, is indecision. What do you think, what your group sees, when you cannot make the decision? Make the decision and stand it.
4. System of technical sight.
It is ability not only, to see that is a gift - any can make it is - ability to see the future. Outstanding heads can not only to see the group for this purpose, that they can make now, but than they can become, and paint the image for them. These leaders consistently inform and train the participants of group on that system of technical sight. One of the best ways, and the least used methods to pass your system of technical sight are a group meeting.
Each meeting should begin with system of technical sight of group, mission, and the purposes; and other part of a meeting should snatch on system of technical sight. For example, the part of prompting of a meeting should snatch on system of technical sight, the information part of a meeting should snatch on system of technical sight, the meeting teaching department should snatch on system of technical sight, etc. Besides, invest time to develop personal systems of technical sight of participants of your group and to show to them as they can reach the personal purposes, snatching on full system of technical sight. Consistently informing system of technical sight, your group will move on purpose, to feel, that they personally matter, and reach their purposes more likely.
5. Disinterestedness
Stephen Covey, in its successful book Seven Habits to Very effective People, has written, that the true leader should be the servant of those, it or it conducts. The leader should be able "give itself for advantage of group." In other words, to be disinterested in words and action. Be disinterested in a praise of others, publicly, especially before management.
Be disinterested in ability to occupy time to listen, really to listen to the enterprises of your group. The recent review of management has told, that average time management invests the capital, performance "pure hearing" employees within a year makes simple two hours - only two hours! That time intended "pure hearing", listened with eye contact, acknowledgement, and did not approach to phone, listening, not speaking with other person, listening, Be etc. disinterested in ability to help your group. Whether is it ability with readiness to help with difficult phone call, to jump and remove road blocks for participants of group, or "to be there" for the participant of group during the stimulating moments. Believe me, your group will remember those moments and excel for you.
Now I throw down a challenge to you to place in action only one of techniques of leadership, which I mentioned above to reach your system of technical sight, your mission, and your purposes in the future
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