For many years we have suffered under removal, requesting us to ask, When it will end My answer, "It - only the beginning."
Historically, removal - result of the high interest rates lifted as result of free policies of money. Restoration arrives, when citizens start to spend more wisely, to save money and to pay off their debts, but not this time. Never before credit politicians, so release so long, and in debts under the consumer credit there was no reduction. It still raises, but Americans are not essentially guilty; the immoral currency policy.
Banks were in the habit to believe, that at the safe person addressing for the loan is 36 % or less Debt to the Relation of the Income (the debt divided into the gross revenue). This percent - the number proved by time specifying financial health of the person. Now, during the most bad economy in twenty years and without restoration signs, our banks with pleasure lend to applicants with 56 %-s' Debt to the Income. What has changed Banks are suddenly more generous I do not think so. One good question to ask, Why banks wish to accept additional risk But a real question to ask, Where this money proceeds
Not one in one thousand Americans knows true nature of our bank system, thus they of concept have, that no that, what's happened in 1929, is going to happen again. And thus they do not know, what is it has been made purposely then, and becomes purposely now.
We have in this country one of the most hurt establishments, known to the Person, and I address to Federal Reserve system. As it is the beginning in 1913, each created dollar has interest in the business, paid on it as though it has been borrowed. This debt cannot be extinguished, not destroying currency directly, and has generated a nightmare of a debt which makes now more than 360 billion $ in the paid percent annually, accounting and business Information half of personal surtax of the nation. Because of it, America is compelled to create 7 billion $ daily to cover 1 billion $ which she pays in interest daily because of Federal reserve system. It - where the public enters.
Bankers of Federal Reserve system should find a way to spend 6 billion $ every day, masking inflation which it calls. During ninetieth it has been made through real estate and the share market. Now it almost exclusively is located in real estate. How could offer many the hypothecary companies interest only, any cash, hundred thousand or one million dollar loans with high relations of own and extra means of the applicant
Here the hypothetical example of that is going to happen: your hypothecary banker says to you, that with 56 %-s' relation of own and extra means, you presume to yourselves the beginning for 300 000$, any cash. You give maintenance under the loan in 4 % valuable 1432$ in month. Some years later, you are thrown without job within three months. Return payments make 4296$ plus last payments, a legal cost, etc., and another $5 of KB on cars, credit cards and all the rest. Incapable to overtake, you will try to finance repeatedly, but interest rates have moved to 7 %. The loan for 310 000$ costs now 2062$ in a month more than you presume to yourselves, but banks will compress the credit policy back to 36 %, and you any more do not get qualification of the beginning which you have anyhow. accounting and business Information all other debts, you get now qualification disgusting 360$ in a month. You are ensnared, and the new legislation on bankruptcy to which they aspired, will never allow you to leave.
You posessed this beginning in the perfect scenario of numbers, but any unemployment of complications, decrease in rates of wages, increase in the rate of percent, change of the relation of own and extra means, a credit status estimation, has lowered home costs - and you are prepared. One failure and each financial indicator are a barrier to you. Your financial angel suddenly became your greatest enemy. Welcome in Federal reserve system and their recently designed international depression.
If you should come nearer to the new market of the real estate, you would find, that you only get qualification of the house of $55 of KB now, along with the market of buyers for which you hoped to unload your house of the help. The bank deprives of the right of use, auctions it away, and you are personally responsible for distinction which could be massive. Bankruptcy the right behind a corner, also is sad, you - only one who will be considered as the responsible. You then will be the debt slave as the Federal Reserve system intends, and game is finished.
My notice consists in becoming so financially steady as you can. , our situation is much more the worst than that from Great Depression. Irrespective of the fact how generous these bankers appear, cut off monthly costs to 36 to %-s' D/I or less. Postpone three - six months of hypothecary payments in case you become the unemployed. Make sure, that you can sustain a storm.
We come to point in the American society there, where it - either they or we, and mass understanding - a key to our survival. The majority believes, that Federal Reserve system - a government part, but it - only the name. The federal government - the private corporation established for private strengthening, with dark chronology of crashes of stock exchange, a financial panic, political manipulation and finally, mass revolts of poverty and hunger. Our struggle is not new: currency management has switched the public to private hands EIGHT times since the beginning of our country, and should be corrected the people, one last time.
Do not think, that you can start helpless and expect, that our political leaders will protect you from financial disaster; they never have. You should become moral Armed independently. Be not persuaded in belief, that the system is optimised for advantage of all. The federal reserve system not establishment equal in rights, and it never intended to be. They believe, whether we have stretched it us on a debt, not threat to it. Allow us to prove differently.
Currency reform - the most important problem facing to Americans today. How it loses value, will define, whether you eat and your affiliated records or not, whether there is at you a place to live or even the future, that with impatience to wait. The main carriers will deride any, opposing the Federal government so to check up correctness of the biggest moral dilemma of chronology for you directly, only google "bank Jackson veto."
America should cancel Federal reserve system to regain control of economy and our government. For short chronology of a world currency policy and as it forms world events, see the Moral Reservation. Then divide this knowledge with the friends. Send by e-mail this article to all in your directory and the stay which has been adjusted for the further events. We will change system together and we will bring brighter dawn in Mankind.
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