Business only to grow in a status with such speed as the internal organisation in a status to process higher volumes of sales. But how to receive the optimum internal organisation Well, you should adapt your internal organisation many times. It - never the coming to an end text. However, the Management of Company / of the Employee could help to reach to you the best internal business organisation.
It brings up a question What should be switched on in the Management of Company / of the Employee Everything, that has influence to your business operation. First of all, it should be allocated, the Management of Company / of the Employee will cover what areas. As it concerns internal operation, here the list of elements which you should switch on:
- The basic information of the Company (name Working out, date and a place of Fund, a chronology Mark, System of technical sight)
- The owner and-or Bacterial factors of growth/configuration of the Manager
- Listing of Officials and Board of directors
- Employment roles (Task Roles, Duty regulations)
- The description of the basic products and services (only use your trading material),
- Frequently asked questions (about internal subjects only)
- The schedule of time of the company (That, when, where)
- Procedures Office (the office-work Information, Working Procedures)
- The list of people, that the nobility (Contact of Bank, the Tax Adviser, Laywer, the Basic Suppliers, etc.)
- The short review of agreements (the Rent, Rent, etc.)
- Internal Policies (the Dress code, Telephone use and the answer, Procedure of Speech mail, the Mode of expectation, Payment Business, the Policy of the Preparation, etc.).
Aforementioned displays of the list, what information should be switched on. Following displays of the list, what departments should be switched on:
- Distribution
- Registration record/warehouse
- Trading (As Continuation is processed, Leading generation, etc.),
- Service of the client
- Researches and working out
- accounting and business Information
- Human resources
- Purchase/acquisition.
Aforementioned two lists only show, how a complex it could be to installation the Management of Company / of the Employee. But it should not be difficult, only to begin the partial. Only switch on the information which are already accessible and use the inquiry of your employees. Privileges of presence of the Booklet of the organisation are numerous, your employees will save time, it will be easier to improve procedures because procedures will be broken on small sections whole precodures. All is clearly described, thus nobody should ask many times. In case of a holiday or illness of the employee, others could jump in the task because they could be trained faster.
As the employer, you could employ employees with lower education. And your employees will like it, because they know where to look when they have questions, and they could improve the industrial conditions also. But the majority of advantage to the owner, that the organisation is able work properly when business will grow and when the owner could sell business once, it could be sold is easier, because of the appropriate organisation.
Establishing the organisation Booklet, you will find procedures which you could automate. Operation automation in the greatest possible degree also will be the big benefit because employees and the employer in a status to concentrate their labour to more important subjects, such as sales volume improvement. Besides automation will reduce to cost to operation also.
The management of Company / of the Employee resembles Plan Business, but much more detailed because it will contain the information concerning each internal procedure a little. Only the financial part of the business plan will not be switched on, but if you like you, could switch on a little the financial information which to you is pleasant to share with your employees. As you describe the procedures, only do it as calculation or listing. The description should not be very well generated, only it is important, that all who will read it, in a status to understand that should be made.
Remember, the organisation Booklet - living system if you and your employees do not update it regularly it will be death once because it will contain only an old material. So save all people within the business occupied in improvement of the Booklet of the organisation because it will improve your business internal organisation also. While start to write information filling of your Booklet of the organisation, a concentrate on task roles at first, subsequently writes down duty regulations in case the task role has been given employees twice (Staff accounting information, etc.). Task roles should switch on duties and responsebilities the described task.
Task roles, Duty regulations and office-work Descriptions sepcial procedures should not be the same, but care, that the information is consistent which means, that it is written in a stream. It by all Booklet of the organisation will have benefit for all. When repeated reading something on your Booklet of the organisation and at you still is questions, than the input is not finished.
Last, but not in the last instance, your Management of Company / of the Employee should be accessible each time. To make it, think of the Internet or the Decision for Intranet, depending on the size of your business. Save it simple and thin, and you will have many privileges from it. Good luck.